Antique French cabinet 3836337

Antique French cabinet

style Antique French cabinet in Rosewood and brass 19th century

Price: € 1425,-

For sale
style Antique French cabinet  in Rosewood and brass 19th century
style Antique French cabinet  in Rosewood and brass 19th century
style Antique French cabinet  in Rosewood and brass 19th century
style Antique French cabinet  in Rosewood and brass 19th century
style Antique French cabinet  in Rosewood and brass 19th century
style Antique French cabinet  in Rosewood and brass 19th century
style Antique French cabinet  in Rosewood and brass 19th century

style Antique French cabinet in Rosewood and brass, in Good condition condition for sale in Shop fittings, Antique display cases | Burbri